Monday, August 10, 2009


哇靠,林北最近还真是懒惰,创下了本年度个人最懒惰的纪录 -- 一个月只是交了三次稿费!!为了不让大家觉得无趣,林北只好再次动起身来,努力开始,继续“写”下去!







bei said...

nice room shoot, nice white theme... photoshop ah?
anyway, if you are too lazy to keep the blog, switch to facebook instead.
load up the facebook app in your iPod touch, and you'll notice things are getting much easier.

B3rNaRD said...

I've 'drowned' in the facebook=sea for long time... juz too bad sometimes u can't get wireless in somewhere, theregore to load a facebook apps in my ipod become pointless. maybe i shud get myself a iphone 3gs in the coming year... LOL

thanks for commenting my pic... no photoshop, but a more easier editor -- picasa!! I just found it nice and easy recently. You should try out, then u will know how interesting Picasa is!!

bei said...

picasa? not sure got mac version or not. but I am scare of using google products already. They know too much of my secret... imagine everything i searched, all the youtube i watched, all the email i received... got phobia now...

B3rNaRD said...

I know got Linux version... for mac... not sure!

Google is being like Microsoft now, they want to be part of people life. Like us, we can't live without PC (i know you are a Mac user, so u are excluded); and when we surf, we just 'google' the thing we need on google, then it will return result to us....

really can't imagine if one dat google shut down all of their servers over the world... Pui!